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Monday, August 8, 2011


Thursday, May 5, 2011


After a great field trip to the
Art exhibit at the Bibliotecha Viva to view the exhibition of Juan Carlos Sanchez entitled Yo Se Mis Cosas, the students of Miss Michelle's first grade A class were inspired to put on their own art show. On Friday, April 29th 1 A had an art show to display to parents their pointillism art work that they had been studying for the entire month of April. Pointillism is a form of painting created by George Seurat and French Artist. Seurat's form of painting was using only small dots and only using the primary colours. The students worked on this technique using both markers and paint and after completing 4 or 5 art pieces of art the students chose their best piece to have on display. 1A worked very hard on their art pieces and had an amazing and successful art show. Congratulations 1A and WELL DONE!! :)


Approximately 80 students, parents and teachers joined together after school on Thursday, April 21st to clean the beach in front of the school in celebration of Earth Day. Thank you to all of you who helped to collect the tons of plastics and other trash that is harmful to wildlife and makes our beaches dirty and unattractive.
Obviously one afternoon of cleaning the beach isn't enough. We as a community should be making an effort to make every day Earth Day by recycling, properly disposing of trash, using reusable water bottles and lunch containers every single day. The goal of the beach clean-up was to instill this idea in people and show them how easy it is to care for the environment. This lesson is especially important for the young people to learn as they will be the leaders of the future.
All-in-all, the beach clean-up was a huge success, and as the event drew to a close one first grader was heard saying to another, "That was fun, wasn't it?"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


We will be studying Polar Climates soon and matter later on in the year, so we had a "PLATE LAB" using ice. Students were given ice cubes and asked to explore the characteristics of ice and eventually as science would have it water. They cut, poked, wrapped, and did a whole host of fun and creative things to the ice to learn more about it. During this activity they were asked to make 4 observations about their cubes of ice and write 4 questions. This serves as an introduction to Inquiry Based Science. And was an enjoyable way to promote hands on science.

We also have been working on teamwork and did a really great activity with boxes that promoted team skills and community development. Great Job 4th graders working as a team and supporting one another.

Miss Marie Compton

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Clase de Mosaico

The Third Grade A Class is carrying out an amazing inicitiative inviting parents to share some artistic talents with the students! This time they made tiles and enjoyed a fantastic afternoon creating beautiful pieces. We would like to thank Ani, Andrea, Ms. Samantha and of course, the artists: the 3A class!

La clase de 3ro Básico A está llevando a cabo una maravillosa iniciativa. Ellos están invitando a los padres a compartir diferentes talentos artísticos con los niños. En esta ocasión estuvieron trabajando con mosaicos y creando bellas piezas. Agradecemos a Ani y Andrea y por supuesto a Ms. Samantha y los artistas: el 3 Básico A.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Lower School Student Council held a Toy Swap for all students
Playgroup through fourth grade. The students all donated toys and
received a new one in exchange. The remaining toys were donated and
delivered to children in the community.